Museum Exhibits
“The Jewish Museum Berlin put the curators of the Stadtmuseum in touch with Dr. Intrator who helped in the creation of the exhibit.”
The Forward
“Joanne Intrator, who traveled from the USA especially for the opening of the exhibition, is pleased to see her family’s painful history honored here.”
Die Jüdische Allgemeine
“Properties featured in the Stolen Heart exhibit “include the headquarters of one company (owned by the Intrator and Berglas families) that in the early 1930s produced about half of all German-made textiles.”
The Wall Street Journal
Joanne Intrator was the driving force behind a prolonged, complex struggle for restitution for 16 Wallstrasse, a center-city Berlin property that the Nazis stole from her family. The history of 16 Wallstrasse has been highlighted in two museum exhibitions, one in Berlin, the other in New York City.
The first exhibit was mounted by the Berlin City Museum (Das Stadtmuseum Berlin). This exhibit was called „Stolen Mitte District (Geraubte Mitte) – The Aryanization of Jewish-owned Property in Berlin’s City Center, 1933 – 1945.”
Major German publications including DER SPIEGEL, DIE ZEIT, and DIE JÜDISCHE ALLGEMEINE ran feature articles about the Geraubte Mitte exhibit.
The New York City exhibit – called “Stolen Heart” – was hosted by the Leo Baeck Institute within The Center for Jewish History at 15 West 16th Street.
Among major American media reports on the “Stolen Heart” exhibit are Edward Rothstein’s in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL and Paper Love author Sarah Wildman’s in the FORWARD
Video of Stolen Heart Map
Additional photos here
Geraubte Mitte Exhibit
The Shared History Exhibit
Throughout 2021, the Leo Baeck Institute as well as German governmental institutions paid tribute to the 1,700 year history of Jewish people in German-speaking lands.
To Leo Baeck’s online Shared History exhibit, I contributed an essay about the Nazis’ exploitation of my family’s building for the manufacture of yellow star patches.
A travelling version of the Shared History exhibit included a wall panel on the history of my family’s former building at 16 Wallstrasse, Berlin. This traveling version of the Shared History exhibit was first shown inside the Bundestag — Germany’s federal parliament building in Berlin — before moving to the government seats of many different German states.
The Shared History exhibit received substantial coverage in German media.