I’m proud and excited to be offering this interview with literary light Erika Dreifus. Reviewing Dreifus’s short story collection QUIET AMERICANS for The Quivering Pen, David Abrams said: “She’s a classic storyteller and there’s a clear, direct line from Isaac Bashevis Singer and Bernard Malamud to her 21st-century keyboard.” I highly recommend following Erika Dreifus…

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A Compelling Jewish Film

David Paul works as a judge in New York City. GERMAN SHEPHERD is a powerful short documentary of his attempts at coming to terms with the Holocaust, Germans and Germany. Directed by Nils Bergendal, the short premiered in 2014 and has enjoyed, deservedly, huge success on the film festival circuit. I find GERMAN SHEPHERD compelling, and believe you…

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(Tai Recanati, photo from Facebook) Tai Recanati is Executive Producer of a new film directed by Janina Quint, GERMANS & JEWS. The documentary explores the often fraught relationships between Germans and Jews in the post-Holocaust era. You may view the GERMANS & JEWS trailer here. Below in this blog post, Tai Recanati and Janina Quint jointly answer…

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Olaf Hajek, Berlin-based artist

Renowned artist and illustrator Olaf Hajek maintains his studio in Berlin’s center-most district, Mitte. You might have seen his work in The New York Times Book Review. Recently, I caught up with Hajek for this interview. 1) You’ve done some delightful work for the Autorenbuchhandlung Berlin. Please tell us about the Autorenbuchhandlung. “The Autorenbuchhandlung is a bookstore…

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