Gary Haynes writes terrific thrillers — his past novels include STATE OF HONOUR and STATE OF ATTACK. His upcoming novella is set in part in Berlin during the final days of World War II. I caught up with Gary for this interview. I understand that your next thriller is set partially in Berlin in the final days…

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Op-Ed: HEAR: Helen Mirren

Dame Helen Mirren recently testified in front of two United States Senate subcommittees. The Oscar-winning actress asked Senators to pass a proposed bill that would give victims of Holocaust-era persecution and their heirs a fair chance to recover Nazi-robbed art. Whereas the Nazis stole an estimated 650,000 works, only a minuscule percentage of the victims…

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(Photo by H&H Photographers from author’s website) Author Sonia Taitz positively brims with talent. Her works include: 1) MOTHERING HEIGHTS; 2) IN THE KING’S ARMS; 3) THE WATCHMAKER’S DAUGHTER; and 4) DOWN UNDER. Sonia was born in New York to two concentration camp survivors. Her coming-of-age memoir THE WATCHMAKER’S DAUGHTER is an enchantingly-written, heartfelt portrait of her parents…

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